IPO (Initial Private Offering) - awarding shares to the most loyal investors in the community

You can read the terms of our public offer.

*Offer is no longer relevant. Period of validity - until December 4th, 2022.


Enter phone number


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Check your shares

Phone number
Balance of investments at the moment of reaching 10 thousand investors
Date of the first investment
When will it be 12 months since the first investment?
Fulfilled condition №1? (investor’s balance being more than 10 million sum at the time of reaching 10 thousand investors)
Fulfilled condition №2 (investor held the entire amount of the investment, on the basis of which the options were issued, within 12 months from the date of the first investment)
Investor fulfilled all the requirements and was granted the right to the options?
Number of shares in the option
Fulfilled the additional condition - posted a photo of him/her in the IMAN office on his/her social networks
Number of shares in the option for the fulfillment of the additional condition

Frequently Asked Questions

The IMAN group of companies conducts an IPO (initial private offering) and hands over part of its shares in the form of options to the investors who have fulfilled the conditions described in the Public Offer dated December 5th, 2022.

The IMAN group of companies has decided to give its shares (in the form of options) to express gratitude to the first investors for their loyalty and for trusting us at the beginning of our journey, when we did not yet have a full-fledged product, high stable profits and large-scale marketing campaigns. We hope that these contributors will continue to support us, share information about IMAN with their circles, spread the values we constitute and help us improve our products and services. IMAN seeks to gather around itself a community of people who do not remain indifferent and support the development of the interest-free finance system through their actions. As from today, shareholders of IMAN Invest can no longer receive shares from IMAN. In the event that such a possibility re-emerges later on, we will advertise it through all our communication channels.

By receiving a share option on IMAN Group, you have the right to: 1) Exchange your options for shares of IMAN Group when the shares become publicly traded; 2) Sell your options back to IMAN at the market price when IMAN announces about such a possibility. If you exchange your options for shares, you will then be able to become an official shareholder of the IMAN Group of Companies, benefit from the right to vote in shareholders meetings and participate in the global company decisions affecting all shareholders. Alternatively, sell your shares on the stock exchange at the market price and receive a monetary gain. IMAN shares are an investment vehicle, so if you have been granted share options, then they are intended to be long-term. Therefore it is necessary to wait either for the company’s shares to be listed on the stock exchange or for an announcement of an option to buyback.

A share option is an agreement that guarantees the issuance of IMAN shares in the future. IMAN can also repurchase the options at the prevailing market price, meaning the valuation at which the company's shares were last sold.

IMAN follows the best practices of corporate governance and cannot distribute its shares directly, as the procedure of onboarding a thousand shareholders would be legally lengthy, thus hindering the ability to attract global investment and facilitate efficient decision-making in the future. Granting stock options holds equal value as granting actual shares of the company. All agreements governing share distribution are drafted in accordance with the International English Law.