Registration in the mobile application

The IMAN Invest mobile application, available in all app stores, streamlines the entire investment process from user verification and registration as an investor with government agencies to investing and withdrawing profits.


Registration in the mobile application


The IMAN Invest mobile application, available in all app stores, streamlines the entire investment process from user verification and registration as an investor with government agencies to investing and withdrawing profits.


A savings goal

After downloading the app, you will be prompted to register by entering your phone number and setting a savings goal* for your convenience.

*The savings goal feature is optional and serves merely to help us give you suggestions for achieving your objectives. In the future, this application will help you construct and sustain a tailored financial plan, considering all subsequent investments, proceeds acquired from IMAN, and profits that are reinvested.

A savings goal

After downloading the app, you will be prompted to register by entering your phone number and setting a savings goal* for your convenience.


*The savings goal feature is optional and serves merely to help us give you suggestions for achieving your objectives. In the future, this application will help you construct and sustain a tailored financial plan, considering all subsequent investments, proceeds acquired from IMAN, and profits that are reinvested.

Investor verification process

IMAN registers all investors with an agency regulated by the Ministry of Justice as members of a limited partnership. Investors provide their personal data in the application form for registration.


You will be asked to take pictures of your passport (or ID card) and a selfie with the document for this purpose.


Verification will only take a few minutes, and upon completion you will receive a notification regarding the verification status.


In the event of mistakes made while completing the questionnaire, your status will be marked as "canceled", after which you will be able to start again.


You can also always reach out to the call center and be transferred to the appropriate specialists for assistance.

Investment process

You can add funds to your balance in the “Investments” tab, or directly from the “My Goal” card. Currently, there is one active investment strategy - "Mudarabah - Installments" with an expected return of 19-24% per annum. You only need to choose the currency and the amount that you wish to add to your balance, and the transaction will be complete.

*Currency selection is solely meant to offer a variety of replenishment methods after which your investment will then be converted into Uzbek sum (according to the Labor Code Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №11239 on the Monetary Turnover of Limited Partnerships).

Sales partners

Having accepted the investment, IMAN then allocates the funds to finance trade activities throughout Uzbekistan. The investor's returns will start to accumulate from the beginning of the following month after the investment.


400 sales partners

All over Uzbekistan


Sales partners

Having accepted the investment, IMAN then allocates the funds to finance trade activities throughout Uzbekistan. The investor's returns will start to accumulate from the beginning of the following month after the investment.


Sale of goods

According to Islamic finance principles and for the purpose of achieving economic viability, this transaction must be conducted in the following manner:


A customer making a purchase in installments undergoes a credit evaluation procedure.


After submitting the required documents, the system will collate data on credit history, income, and other relevant factors based on the documents provided.


If approved, a contract is signed with the customer, whereby IMAN purchases the product from its sales partner and sells it to the customer.


The dynamic markup system is built upon on several parameters:


The risk group to which the client has been assigned after completing the questionnaire.


The proceeds received from each sale of sales partners


Portfolio status: number of overdue contracts

The company's financial team regularly reviews and updates the markup system. Subsequently, when inflation and funding rates are high, markups will also increase, thus leading to an increased level of profits.


Risk reduction


Earlier, we familiarized ourselves with the risks associated with the “Mudaraba - Installment” investment strategy, such as inflation and defaulting on payments.

Every investor bears the same risks.

What is being done to eliminate them?


Markup recalculation by financial analysts in order to identify ways to optimize the costs.


Preliminary scoring of the client based on their credit history and other sources of information (confidential).

Maximizing diversification - investing in multiple trades daily to reduce the risk of default.

A suite of strategies for dealing with challenging clients

Profit distribution

As IMAN collects payments daily from thousands of transactions, it proceeds to split the achieved profits among its investors.

Every month, IMAN's financial team accounts for their accumulated gains, closes the books and disperses them accordingly to the investors.


Profit withdrawal

Once IMAN has credited profits to an investor's account, the "Profit Withdrawal" function becomes available. Here, the investor can select what percentage of their profits they wish to withdraw, submit a request for confirmation, and then receive those profits into their bank card.

*filling out an application for the withdrawal of profit is only possible during the months of February, May, August, and November.

Profit reinvestment

If the profit has not been withdrawn from the account, then the investor’s original investment will be supplemented by the additional profit, which will also go into circulation. Consequently, in the coming months, the investor will receive a return of profit from the total sum of money.